Is Chamisa now singing a different tune?

Is Chamisa now singing a different tune?

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today visited some of the families that lost beloved ones through cholera in Glen View to pay his condolences and he seemed to be singing a different tune after the visit.

“ROBBED & VULNERABLE..With the now orphaned Nenyasha Makota (3yrs) and Marshall Makota (7yrs) at their home where I had gone to pay my condolences. Their father, a young Trymore Makota (27yrs) succumbed to cholera & died in Glenview. United, we win against all national challenges,” he tweeted after the visit.

Chamisa was today supposed to lead a commemoration of the party’s 19th anniversary where he was expected to be sworn in as the “people’s president” but the event was cancelled because of the cholera outbreak which has so far killed nearly 30 people.

The MDC leader, who appeared to be wanting to go it alone, is now talking about winning “against all national challenges” if people are united.

It also appeared that the home he visited belonged to a Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front supporter as there was a poster of President Emmerson Mnangagwa behind him.

This would put him above party politics which have bogged down the country since the disputed 30 July elections which Chamisa claimed he won though the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission said Mnangagwa won and this was upheld by the Constitutional Court.

Chamisa’s change of tack could herald a new beginning of the country and earn him accolades as most people argue that he cannot be ignored as he won more than 2 million votes in the just ended elections.

Mnangagwa has already appointed his cabinet but Chamisa could play a key role as an opposition leader especially by rebuilding the party in preparation for 2023.

He could also use the period to make sure that his legislators fight for electoral reforms early in the game and also start making plans to stop any rigging as the opposition in Ghana did and wrestled the elections from the ruling party.



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