I have not resigned says Zimbabwe sports minister

I have not resigned says Zimbabwe sports minister

Zimbabwe’s Sports Minister Kirsty Coventry has dismissed reports that were circulating on the social media that she had resigned is disgust at the violence and brutal treatment of protesters during the three-day shutdown from Monday to Wednesday.

Media reports said Coventry, a swimming Olympic gold medal winner, had resigned because she could not work with such a brutal government which has killed innocent civilians over her short period as minister.

“I don’t want blood on my hands and earn blood money” she was quoted as saying.

The military are reported to have killed at least six people during the 1 August violence but this was before she was appointed minister.

Several people are also reported to have been killed during this week’s shutdown but officially, three people, including a police officer, were killed.

Coventry said yesterday she had not resigned.

“I’d like to make it clear that I have not resigned as minister,” she said.

“Whatever the problems, sport can and should be part of the solution and I will pour my energies into uplifting our youth, sports and arts, until I can no longer be effective and make the impact we need in our country.

“What has happened in Zimbabwe has saddened me immensely. I am sorry to everyone that has been affected by the recent events. Violence is never the answer and needs to be investigated and actions taken. We need peace so no one else suffers and we can rebuild our nation together.”




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