I got my first jab yesterday

I got my first jab yesterday

I got my first dose of the sinovac coronavirus vaccination yesterday joining 13 240 others to bring the total of those who have got their first dose so far to 218 516.

Sinovac is one of the leading coronavirus vaccines according to the New York Times Coronavirus Tracker.

It lists leading vaccines according to the developer as:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Moderna
  • Gamaleya
  • Oxford Astra-Zeneca
  • CanSino
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Vector Institute
  • Novavax
  • Sinopharm
  • Sinovac
  • Sinopharm-Wuhan
  • Bharat Biotech

The New York Times says researchers are currently testing 89 vaccines and 23 have reached final testing stages.

Zimbabwe is currently among the top 10 African countries with the highest vaccination rates.

Yesterday 535 people got their final dose raising the total of those who have now been fully vaccinated to 29 839.

There were 23 new cases, one death and 31 recoveries.

So far the country has recorded 37 330 cases, 1 543 deaths and 34 932 recoveries.

There are 855 active cases with 407 in Harare, 254 in Matebeleland South and 114 in Bulawayo.



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