I do not want to be Prime Minister or Opposition leader- I should be president- Chamisa

I do not want to be Prime Minister or Opposition leader- I should be president- Chamisa

Some analysts have said that Chamisa is maintaining that he won the elections to remain relevant to his supporters but he cannot entertain joining Mnangagwa because his supporters would ditch him as a sell-out.

Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba rubbished sentiments that Chamisa holds the key to the country’s economic recovery saying he is not a Messiah.

“I pity Chamisa because he is being invested with Messianic powers which he doesn’t wield,” Charamba told the Herald.

“At one level, he is supposed to be conferring legitimacy to the winner of 2018 elections, now I notice he is supposed to be the panacea to spurring the economy.

“This one young politician with a mortal life being invested with all these powers — God help us. He is a mere man and an erring man like all mortals. The economy of this country will be turned around by the hands of the citizens of this nation.

“There is no magic wand, there is no Messiah, only principles of good economics and these are what are being followed by the Government. There is a very clear strategy enunciated in the Monetary Policy, buttressed by the Fiscal Policy and all both expressing themselves in the context of a Transitional Plan.

“Those are the instruments for spurring the economy forward, not a mere individual.”

Charamba also said it was also a pity that some people were celebrating the economic hardships that the country was experiencing yet they too were suffering.

“In the recovery of this economy, the opposition are citizens before they even oppose,” Charamba said.

“They are also consumers of goods and services and suppliers of goods and services in spite of the fact that they are in opposition.

“So, if they have a role to play in the economy, it is alongside many other citizens, but not because they are in opposition and its taking too long for some commentators in this economy to realise that we have long moved from the ballot to the market place where rules are different.”




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