How rich is Magaya?

How rich is Magaya?

Police are reportedly looking for Prophetic Healing ad Deliverance leader Walter Magaya over tax evasion involving $22 million, according to the Herald.

This raises questions about how rich the prophet is and what the sources of his wealth are.

Four years ago, Magaya was ranked 23 among the 50 richest Zimbabweans by a company called X Research and Intelligence.

It did not give his net worth but the report showed that two other religious leaders were ahead of him, Emmanuel Makandiwa at number 5 and Ezekiel Guti at number 8.

Econet boss Strive Masiyiwa was at number 1.

In 2015 Magaya said he was a trillionaire and could not quantify his wealth.

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Do you agree Makandiwa and Guti are richer than Magaya?


1 Comment


    why do you fight a Man of Go who gives money,feeds the poor,shelters the homeless ,donates to the needy ,opens businesses and companies to cater for the people something which the government at large can not do .If we bring down rich people in zim then how can we become a bettet dependent new zim .###CorruptGvt

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