How Mugabe was given powers to appoint key judges with MDC kicking and screaming

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order.

HON. MLISWA I will repeat – they are making noise Mr. Speaker.  I equally need to be listened to when there is silence and they are making noise.  There must be order and I cannot speak when they are standing.  I request that those Hon. Members sit down.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  You have made your point.

HON. MLISWA: I cannot speak when they are standing.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  You have made your point.

HON. MLISWA: I cannot speak when they are making noise and standing – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – you will sit down.  This is not a campaigning ground, go and campaign on the ground uko, uko.  – [AN HON. MEMBER:  Get away, get away.] –

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  Hon. Members, can you sit down.

THE VICE PRESIDENT AND MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. E.D. MNANGAGWA):  Mr. Speaker Sir, may I request Hon. Members who are standing, if they have places to sit, to sit down – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Those ones who are standing there have nowhere to sit.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the request by the Members of the opposition is that they would want the figures to be verified.  My view in democracy is that we must be very transparent.  May I ask Hon. Members to become honourable as they are Honourable Members?  We have spent over two and half hours on a matter that could have lasted a few minutes.  I would now wish that – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  Hon. Members, please sit down.

 THE VICE PRESIDENT AND MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. E.D. MNANGAGWA):  Mr. Speaker Sir, the point currently in question is the question of verifying the numbers that have been mentioned by the appointed counters from both sides, but there is need from the other side – they want us to verify the numbers that you have been given as Mr. Speaker, after the count.  I, representing this side, agree that quietly, can we have the Sergeant-at-Arms count our side, he gives you the number and he comes to the other side when everybody is seated, and gives you the number – [HON. MLISWA:  And represent me too Sergeant.] –

Continued next page



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