How desperate Zimbabweans are for jobs

Zimbabweans are so desperate for jobs that when Parliament advertised for the post of Clerk of Parliament in February, almost half of those who applied did not qualify because they were too young.

Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa told Parliament yesterday that 50 people applied for the post.

Of these 24, ten females and 14 males, did not qualify because they were below 35 and were eliminated at the first stage because they were “deemed to have not mastered the requisite maturity and experience demanded by this very critical position”.

Kennedy Mugove Chokuda who was selected for the post is 47. He had been acting Clerk since the departure of Austin Zvoma in November last year.

Chokuda accepted the post yesterday. 

He could not continue as Acting Clerk beyond the end of this month as Parliament is to adjourn today until 9th June.

Officially, unemployment in Zimbabwe is put at 11.3 percent, with that among the youth at 16.4 percent but reality says more than 80 percent of Zimbabweans are unemployed.



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