Has Chihuri disappeared?

Former Police Chief Augustine Chihuri cannot be located, according to a report in Newsday today.

Chihuri was wanted by the Parliamentary Committee on Mines to testify in the take-over by the State of diamond mining in the country in 2016.

Committee chairman Temba Mliswa was forced to postpone the hearing until 9 April when he was told by new police chief Godwin Matanga that Chihuri could not be located at his address.

Mliswa was, however, not impressed and asked whether anyone expected the people to believe that the police did not know the whereabouts of the former Commissioner-General.

Chihuri was forced to retire when the Emmerson Mnangagwa administration took over in November last year as he was believed to be a member of the G40 faction of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

He was booed by the crowd when he took his oath of office before Mnangagwa at the National Sports Stadium.

“It is, indeed, my duty to advise you of the presence or the whereabouts of those individuals, but like the secretary has said, I only received the invitation letter yesterday and in all honesty, it is only fair to give the invited individuals time to prepare,” Matanga responded.

“I am in the process of looking for the individuals and with your indulgence, I was going to say if we could be given another day for them to come.”



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