Harare holds the key to Zimbabwe’s coronavirus recovery

Harare holds the key to Zimbabwe’s coronavirus recovery

Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, holds the key to the country’s coronavirus recovery as it has 1 125 out of the 1 487active cases in the country.

The country had 21 new cases today and only 10 recoveries.

There were no new cases in the capital but there were also no recoveries unlike in the second city, Bulawayo, where the cases cancelled out each other with six new cases and six recoveries.

The number of active cases is likely to start dropping drastically once people in Harare start recovering.

The country so far has 7 837 cases which include 6 122 recoveries and 228 deaths.

Midlands has no active cases while Masvingo which had no active cases yesterday had a new case today.

Globally the number of cases now stands at 33.7 million and includes 1.009 million deaths, 25 million recoveries and 7.7 million active cases.



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