Grace Mugabe now says she never wanted to become vice-president, she favoured Sekeramayi

Former first lady Grace Mugabe who is largely blamed for her husband’s downfall last year, now says she never even wanted to become vice-president of Zimbabwe.

She favoured Defence Minister Sydney Sekeremayi.

She told South Africa’s Sunday Times that suggestions at the time that Mnangagwa was fired so that she could succeed her husband as president were false.

"I didn't want even to be vice-president," she told the Sunday Times, adding that she had favoured former Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramayi as Mugabe's successor.

Grace Mugabe, however, told more than one rally that there was no reason why she could not succeed her husband citing the example of Mnangagwa who “left” his Chirumanzu-Zibagwe seat to his wife.

She also told the Sunday Times that the former first family had declared the properties that they bought outside the country, two in South Africa and one in Hong Kong.

"In South Africa I bought a dilapidated house, I wanted to bring it down, demolish some parts and to renovate the house," Grace said.

"We are honest people, we have no money outside. We don't have a house in Dubai. We rented a house there when our son was studying there, but then he decided to go to South Africa to finish his studies."



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