Game over for Joice Mujuru

Knives are out for Vice-President Joice Mujuru and this could spell disaster for all senior party officials that have been backing her. First Lady Grace Mugabe literally told the people of Mashonaland Central, Mujuru’s base, that her career was over because she was not only fanning factionalism but was also thoroughly corrupt.  “Ndakati ini kunaBaba baby-dumping munoiziva here? Vakati ehe,” she said referring to her husband President Robert Mugabe. “Ndakati munhu iyeye arikutungamira factionalism tirikuda kuti muite baby-dumping. Mukasamudumper isusu tichamudumper. Tichaita isu baby-dumping nekuti zvinodivider musangano.  Tonodumper mwana mustreet ogodyiwa nemagora nekuti kana takuita expose kana nhunzi chaidzo ukange wafa apo hadzidi kutombosvika padhuze newe nokuti dzinenge dzakutotya corruption iri pauri. Nhunzi chaidzo, kana imbwa chaidzo dzinenge dzakutotya kusvika padhuze.”  Though the First Lady did not mention Mai Mujuru by name, all indications were that she was referring to her because her husband Solomon Mujuru was a shareholder in River Ranch Diamond Mine. Some of Mujuru’s key supporters are alleged to be party secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa, spokesman Rugare Gumbo and chairman Simon Khaya Moyo.


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