Five more parties endorse Tsvangirai

Five more parties are now backing Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai for president in the elections due in 11 days.

The party announced yesterday that Tsvangirai had now received endorsements from Reverend Kuratidza Sandati of the United People’s Party, Moreprecision Muzadzi of the Voice of the People, Andrew Dhizara of the Democratic Party, Gibbs Paul Gotora of the Zimbabwe Organised Open People’s Party, Gondai Vhutuza of ZANU-Ndonga and Canciwell Nziramasanga of ZAPU.

MDC secretary general, Tendai Biti said the MDC was forming a broad alliance to fight the ZANU-PF dictatorship and regime.

“A lot of negotiations are taking place and will continue behind the scenes as the people fight poverty, unemployment and under development,” Biti said.

ZAPU Vice President, Nziramasanga said it was time for the people of Zimbabwe to unite in order to stop the looting of the country’s resources by only a few ZANU-PF officials and that is why ZAPU was endorsing President Tsvangirai in the coming elections.

It was not clear whether Nziramasanga had the backing of party leader Dumiso Dabengwa who is a presidential candidate and has formed an alliance with Welshman Ncube of the other faction of the MDC.

Nziramasanga has several times been linked to the Central Intelligence Organisation and has joined almost every new party at its formation and at a very high level.

ZANU-Ndonga announced its alliance with Tsvangirai at the same time as Simba Makoni of Mavambo but there are reportedly two factions of ZANU-Ndonga.

Zimbabwe has at least 28 political parties.

Below is the press release the MDC released after the endorsement:



6 parties endorse President Tsvangirai’s candidature

Friday 19 July 2013

Leaders from six political parties today endorsed the candidature of President Tsvangirai in the coming harmonised elections, saying that his win will see the country’s economy and the lives of the people of Zimbabwe improving immensely.

The endorsements were from presidents, Reverend Kuratidza Sandati of the United People’s Party (UPP), Moreprecision Muzadzi of the Voice of the People, Andrew Dhizara of the Democratic Party, Gibbs Paul Gotora of the Zimbabwe Organised Open People’s Party, Gondai Vhutuza of Zanu Ndonga and Canciwell Nziramasanga of Zapu.

Welcoming the political parties at the party headquarters, Harvest House, the MDC deputy national chairperson, Morgen Komichi said the parties decided to join the coalition for real change and transformation.

The MDC secretary general, Tendai Biti said the MDC was forming a broad alliance to fight the Zanu PF dictatorship and regime.

“A lot of negotiations are taking place and will continue behind the scenes as the people fight poverty, unemployment and under development,” said Hon. Biti.

UPP President Sandati said it was time that the people of Zimbabwe joined forces in fighting the dictatorship.

“Divided we fall, united we stand.  I am happy to tell the people that we are united with the MDC and we give our support to Morgan Tsvangirai in the coming elections and we are going to remove the Zanu PF regime,” he said.

The president of the Voice of the People, Muzadzi said the people were responsible for their destiny and to end the country’s “Pariah State” tag.

“We need to introduce a new political entity.  Zimbabweans should be responsible.  This is our chance to take Zimbabwe forward and we need a new political order. We should not abuse this chance,” said Muzadzi.

Democratic Party, President Dhizara said by joining forces the political parties were giving the people a brighter future without Zanu PF while President Gotora said with President Tsvangirai as the new resident at State House, the people of Zimbabwe will no longer be treated as second class citizens.

Gondai Vhutuza, the Vice President of Zanu Ndoga said his party had already joined the Change Coalition with the MDC and one of its senior members, Reketayi Semwayo, was contesting the elections on an MDC ticket.

“We are already in this coalition.  We are saying that all people who support Zanu Ndonga should support the candidature of Morgan Tsvangirai in the presidential election,” said Vhutuza.

Zapu Vice President, Nziramasanga said it was time for the people of Zimbabwe to unite in order to stop the looting of the country’s resources by only a few Zanu PF officials and that is why Zapu was endorsing President Tsvangirai in the coming elections.



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