“Fit as a fiddle” Grace admits “at times I have pain here and there”

First Lady Grace Mugabe yesterday dismissed reports that she was ill saying she still had the same energy she had last year when she went on a nation-wide campaign disparaging Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leaders whom she accused of trying to topple her husband. Her campaign led to the ousting of top politicians like former Vice-President Joice Mujuru, Secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa, party spokesman Rugare Gumbo and War Veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda.  The First Lady who has been in and out of “hospital” since the party’s December congress, however,  admitted that she still had pain here and there and needed treatment.  “I’m happy we’re meeting while we’re all in good health. I’m very healthy,” she told a ZANU-PF Women’s League national executive council meeting.  “I still have the same energy as I had last year. At times I have pain here and there but it can be treated, that’s why I sometimes go for treatment and come back fully recovered…. That’s why we thank God because at times you become ill and you don’t know what it is and you end up with much bigger problems, but when you know and you’re treated you become well and continue working for the country,” she was quoted by The Chronicle as saying.



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