Energy Mutodi told Parliament is not a stage where you just walk onto and start singing

Energy Mutodi told Parliament is not a stage where you just walk onto and start singing

Deputy Information Minister Energy Mutodi was on Thursday told that Parliament was not a stage where he could just walk onto and start singing his failed songs.

This was after Mutodi, a sungura singer and one of the legislators elected to Parliament for the first time in July, walked into Parliament and took his seat without bowing to the Speaker.

Deputy Speaker, Tsitsi Gezi, was in the chair and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front legislator for Muzarabani North Soda Zhemu was making his contribution to the Presidential speech.

The first objection was raised by Movement for Democratic Change legislator Job Sikhala who said Mutodi must understand the rules of Parliament and should therefore move out, come back and bow before the Speaker.

Mutodi walked out of the chamber but did not come back immediately prompting another MDC legislator Willias Madzimure to complain that Mutodi had walked out on the Speaker.

When Gezi asked Zhemu to continue with his contribution, independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa said he could not concentrate on the debate because his conscience did not allow him to let Mutodi get away with what he had done.

“I have been trying to follow the debate but my mind is refusing from a conscience point of view. Hon Mutodi must comply you said and in complying, it means he must come in and bow down. The precedence that you are setting in him not doing that totally renders this institution useless.

“The Chief Whip must be implored to go and find him to come back because he is in contempt as you speak. We cannot allow people to be above the rules of Parliament. I know that he is new. I know that you are new but you must stamp your authority because I will equally do the same again without bowing. What does that make this House? The President said this is a sacred institution which has rules which must be followed.

“My mind is not at peace sitting in this august House allowing somebody who has been told to comply and does not comply. I think we must have order and we must respect this institution or else Madam Speaker, you too will not be respected by everyone here,” Mliswa said.

Mutodi walked back and bowed to the chair but Prince Dube Sibanda of the MDC raised a point of order.

“I want to associate myself with the Hon. Member who just left the podium speaking about the need to respect this House without discrimination. It does not matter whether you were once pictured holding a cup written “I am the Boss” or not. When someone walks into this House, they have to be obedient to the rules of this House without exception.

“Hon. Mutodi should not try to come and advertise his proximity to the centre of power. He should not do that because the centre of power is not resident in Parliament. The centre of power is resident somewhere else at Munhumutapa Building. But when he walks in here he has to obey. I am sure the band is nowhere near here. This is not a singing platform where Hon. Mutodi can come in and start singing his failed songs.”

Sibanda was ruled out of order.



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