Elizabeth Tsvangirai blasts warring MDC leaders

Elizabeth Tsvangirai, wife of Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai, yesterday spoke more sense than her husband when the couple visited survivors of the Chaona massacre in Chweshe. At least 14 villagers were killed in one night in May 2008 after a senior Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Chen Chimutengwende lost to an MDC candidate in the March elections of that year. Elizabeth told the people that leaders of the MDC should stop squabbling. They should think of the people that died for the party before they thought about their own political ambitions. According to NewZimbabwe.com, Elizabeth said: “Munoona ZANU-PF, chinoita kuti varambe vakabatana inyaya yekuti vanoti takaenda kuhondo. Handiti! Vanoziva kuti tinehama dzedu dzakasara kuhondo. Saka leadership yeMDC chirikukupayi kuti murwidzane musiri kutanga mafunga kufa kwakaita vana ava chii?..Vanhu vakafa pamusaka pekuti vaive netarisiro yechange saka tisati tazvifunga ngatitangei tafunga vanhu nemakuva evanhu vakafa ava tozotanga kuzvifunga isusu. Kubatana ndokuchaita kuti kupodze maronda evanhu vakashaikirwa nehama dzavo”. Elizabeth is the daughter of a senior ZANU-PF member Joseph Macheka.



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