Eddie Cross showers Mnangagwa with praise again

Eddie Cross showers Mnangagwa with praise again

Former Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai policy coordinator Eddie Cross has, once again, showered praise on President-Elect Emmerson Mnangagwa saying his victory was a remarkable achievement because he was fighting everyone.

Writing in his own personal blog yesterday Cross, who was the Member of Parliament for Bulawayo South but decided not to contest this year’s elections, said Mnangagwa’s narrow victory confirmed the internal conflicts within his Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

“Emmerson was fighting everybody – the Joice Mujuru elements, the G40, the Mugabe loyalists, the elements in the Military Junta that has had such influence here in recent years; it goes on and on – everybody,” Cross wrote.

“In fact, you ask yourself who was supporting the President in his personal campaign to stay in power? So the outcome was a remarkable political achievement.

“He is not a great speaker, hardly charismatic, not young anymore and facing a young country hungry for change. Yet he pulled it off! Amazing. I always said do not ever, underestimate the man, he is a strategist and organizer of note.”

Mnangagwa was declared winner of the 30 July elections but the MDC Alliance is challenging the results.

The case will be heard at the Constitutional Court on Wednesday.

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation has been given rights to broadcast the hearing live.

Cross said the recent election, however flawed, was more democratic than in the past and better than many other elections in other countries. But Mnangagwa was facing an uphill struggle.

“But whatever the changes in the recent past, the bus is still the same old wreck that Mugabe left behind. No money, no tyres, no diesel and an older driver, newly ensconced,” Cross said.

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