Drama as ZANU-PF company says it owns some of the properties declared by Mugabe

Drama as ZANU-PF company says it owns some of the properties declared by Mugabe

A company owned by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Font, M and S Syndicate (Private) Limited, says it owns three properties that were listed as part of former President Robert Mugabe’s estate.

The company says it owns the Blue Roof, the house at 27 Quorn Avenue in Mt Pleasant as well as number 129 Forbes Road in Waterfalls.

“These properties still belong to the company and at the moment they do not form part of the estate of the late former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe,” Simplisius Chihambakwe, a lawyer for the company said.

ZANU-PF secretary for legal affairs Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana, however, the properties would ve transferred the Mugabe family promised by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mugabe’s estate will be administered by his daughter Bona.

Assets listed so far are:

  • US$10 million in a CBZ Bank Nostro account
  • House Number 129 Forbes Road, Waterfalls
  • Villa Number 65 Gunhill
  • Number 27 Quorn Avenue Mt Pleasant
  • Lot GB Helensvale and Lot 1 of subdivision B of Sub G of Helensvale
  • Highfield Farm
  • Zvimba rural farming plot (about 5 acres)
  • Zvimba rural home (one hectare)
  • Zvimba orchard (about five acres)
  • 10 cars



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