Does the MDC constitution say party president must resign if he loses an election?

Does the MDC constitution say party president must resign if he loses an election?

War veterans’ leader Chris Mutsvangwa says that one of the reasons why Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa is insisting that he won the 2018 elections is that he will be forced to step down if he says he lost.

Mutsvangwa said this is what the party constitution says but The Insider was not able to verify this.

Chamisa, who lost the election challenge in the Constitutional Court in 2018, still insists he won the elections polling 2.6 million votes.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission declared Mnangagwa the winner with about 2.5 million votes and Chamisa runner up with 2.2 million.

The Insider was not able to access the latest party constitution but got one that was approved at the party’s inaugural congress in 2000 and was amended in 2006, 2011 and 2014.

The party held its last congress in May 2019.

Founding President Morgan Tsvangirai lost presidential elections in 2002, beat Mugabe in 2008 but allegedly did not get enough votes for an outright victory and pulled out of the run-off race because of the violence that ensured, and lost the elections in 2013.

Tsvangirai, however, remained party president until his death in February 2018.

Please help us set the record straight by writing to: [email protected].

We would be most grateful if someone could provide the current party constitution.



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