Datlabs says new product now generates 60 percent of revenue

Local pharmaceutical and personal care products manufacturer Datlabs Limited says its new camphor product now contributes 60 percent of its revenue on the back of increased demand, helped by a government ban on imports.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed Tiger Brands in 2013 terminated a 50-year manufacturing arrangement with Datlabs to produce its Ingrams Camphor Cream locally under license. The move prompted Datlabs to launch its own rival Camphacare product.

“Ingrams Camphor used to contribute over 60 percent of our revenue but we have seen increased uptake and confidence in our local product and Camphacare now contributes 60 percent to our revenue,” the product manager Lobengula Dube said.

Datlabs is now eying the export market, he added.

Dube said Datlabs’ capacity utilization had doubled to 80 percent since 2014, producing 500 000 jars of Camphacare every month.

The local market is worth $10 million annually, Dube added.

Datlabs also produces leading brands such as Cafemol, Panado, Solphyllex and Lanolene Milk.- The Source




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