Chinamasa under fire


Section 299 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No. 20 of 2013 states as follows:

Parliament must monitor and oversee expenditure by State and all Commissions and institutions and agencies of Government at every level, including statutory bodies, Government controlled entities, provincial and metropolitan councils and local authorities, in order to ensure that-

All revenue is accounted for;

All expenditure has been properly incurred; and

Any limits and conditions on appropriations have been observed.

Section 309 (2) (a) mandates the Auditor General to audit accounts, financial systems and financial management by all public institutions. National Assembly Standing Order No. 16 provides for the Public Accounts Committee and mandates it to examine the sums granted by Parliament to meet public expenditure and such other accounts laid before the National Assembly.

It reports whether such public funds have been managed and expended as authorised by Parliament. It is within this mandate that the Committee examined the accounts and other statements under the purview of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development as reported by the Auditor General in her annual report for the financial year ended December, 31, 2014.

In undertaking its oversight role, the Committee expects the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development to implement the recommendations and put measures in place to prevent the recurrences of the observations raised on the Ministry’s accounts and other statements under its purview.


The Committee held two oral evidence sessions with Mr W. Manungo, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and other senior officials within the Ministry. It considered written and oral submissions received from the Ministry and has come up with this report with findings, observations and recommendations for take note and adoption by the House.

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