“Charamba” says Jonathan Moyo has sold out Grace Mugabe and is now using Zhuwao as a mop

A Herald columnist who was this week “exposed” by former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo as Presidential spokesman George Charamba has come out guns blazing accusing Moyo of selling out former First Lady Grace Mugabe and using former President Robert Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao as a mop.

Herald columnist Igomombe today accused Jonathan Moyo of having no scruples, following the leaking of tapes this week of a conversation between Moyo and Zhuwao in which they accused National Patriotic Front spokesman Jealousy Mawarire of being a thief and wanting to get rid of party leader Ambrose Mutinhiri.

Mawarire responded by accusing Moyo of being an even worse thief who even stole “chema” at his daughter’s funeral.

Zhuwao apologized for the leak but Mawarire brushed it off as nonsense.

Igomombe accused Moyo of selling out the former First Lady as the sponsor of the NPF. He said this was for a twin purpose, to save his own neck and sacrifice Grace Mugabe instead.

“He delivered ‘muchembere’, on a platter. She is not only livid, but gasping to exonerate herself against this deadly backstab by a man we repeatedly told her she needed a very long spoon to feed,” Igomombe wrote.

“Need she cry? Who to, who with? Ask us who know him, Jonso never entertains scruples, still less scrub his mess. Everything and anyone is for auctioning, when he is set on self-redemption. Hanzi amai havaroodzwi! Not with that dude.”

The columnist said Jonathan Moyo messes a lot which is why he needs so many human mops around him.

“And today in Zhuwao, he has found an unintelligently dutiful mop,” Igomombe wrote. “I mean what can be “stupid-er” (you need a new adjective for this one!) than an innocent man waxes tearfully to assume and own all guilt? Laments harder, louder, than Job for ever starting a conversation which triggers habitual excesses in a being well known for a tall mouth?”

Igomombe says Jonathan Moyo now wants to dismantle the NPF “all to place himself in the good graces of the New Dispensation”.

Moyo has not yet responded to the allegations.


Jonathan Moyo goes to town on George Charamba, implies he is a British agent



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