Chamisa’s last stunt

Chamisa’s last stunt

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today pulled a huge crowd at Gwanzura Stadium in Harare to mark the party’s 19th anniversary but it appears that he has worn out his last sympathisers- the media.

The event went largely uncovered by the regional and international media which used to scramble to cover the opposition leader.

Chamisa was even overshadowed by his guests from Tajamuka and the Zimbabwe Students union who are reported to have given President Emmerson Mnangagwa until 1 November to step down.

Chamisa who insists that he does not recognise Mnangagwa’s victory and is calling for a transitional authority has already worn out the support of his sympathisers.

A fund launched on 26 August to raise funds for Chamisa’s legal fees has not received a single penny for over a month.

The fund launched by Yvonne Mahlunge aimed to raise £100 000 but it has only raised £22 540 and £20 000 of this amount was raised in the first four days.

The fund was meant to help Chamisa pay the legal costs of the election challenge he lodged and lost at the Constitutional Court. The court ordered him to pay costs of the suit which are said to be over $3 million.

Chamisa had initially hinted that he would inaugurate himself at the anniversary but he probably sobered up after the anniversary was cancelled twice ostensibly because of the cholera outbreak in Harare.

More than 50 people died of cholera and 10 000 were affected.

The only thing that is working in Chamisa’s favour is the economy.

Mnangagwa is struggling to rein in skyrocketing prices, fuel shortages and a falling surrogate currency.

He has, however, ruled out any government of national unity.

Chamisa’s spokesman Nkululeko Sibanda says Chamisa has the keys to the economy and is worth $50 billion.



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