Chamisa to hold press conference

Disputed acting president of the Movement for Democratic Change Nelson Chamisa “and the entire MDC leadership” have called a press conference at the party headquarters in Harare this morning following the death of party leader Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday.

Chamisa and the party’s national standing committee on Tuesday scheduled a meeting of the national executive which was supposed to be held at 10am today.

His colleagues Elias Mudzuri and Thokozani Khupe did not attend Tuesday’s meeting.

Chamisa, Mudzuri and Khupe have been squabbling over the leadership of the party when it became apparent that Tsvangirai was in a critical condition.

Chamisa tweeted on Tuesday: “We’re set & ready to roar. Had excellent meetings with MDC employees at HQ, party veterans & founding members to energize the base 4 victory. I’m overwhelmed by the support from all the party structures & organs in all the provinces. Also dealing with the noise from the cockpit!”

His followers warned him not to go it alone but to resolve differences with Khupe and Mudzuri.

Lashias Ncube commented: “This is all well and good, but all your efforts will come to naught if you don't deal with the elephant in the room and resolve the leadership squabbles. Were @EngMudzuri @DMwonzora @GutuObert @DrThoko_Khupe at the meeting with "party veterans and founding members"?

Justice added: “The same question l had in mind. In as much as we like you Chamisa, we don't want you to run solo, resolve your issues with others.”

Lashias Ncube, came back: “I don't know who is advising Nelson Chamisa. Surely an escalation of hostilities with his rivals, in word or deed, is self-defeating. Yes, he looks a shoo-in for the top job, but that's no reason to alienate & antagonise rivals. He needs a united party to go out and bat for him.”

Douglas chipped in: “You are busy fighting each other apa ZANUPF is already oiling itself for the election, damn.”

Boomerang differed: “The MDC has already started campaigning. The ball is rolling. While @DrThoko_Khupe and @EngMudzuri are throwing tantrums, Chamisa is galvanizing the party . Campaigning, wooing the support of the party foot soldier.  For once A Chamisa Presidential candidature will shame oldies”.

Tendai Matono, responded: “Imi kunzi dzipakate handikunzi dziridze makasiirwa hu acting na Mudzuri achinoona Tsvangirai adzoka dzosai bhachi revaridzi hamuchada futi aah Doctor Nero chii nhai?”



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