Chamisa to address media on violence today as Khupe insists she is the acting president

Acting Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa is to address the media today on the violence that erupted at the burial of former party leader Morgan Tsvangirai in Buhera on Tuesday.

MDC-T vice-president Thokozani Khupe, secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora and organising secretary Abednigo Bhebhe were assaulted by youths and had to be protected by the police.

Chamisa gave the party security department 24 hours to investigate the issue on Wednesday and is due to hold a press conference this morning.

Khupe said she was assaulted for refusing to accept Chamisa as the new party leader.

Khupe, the only elected vice-president of the party, insists she is the acting president according to the party constitution.

“Following the tragic passing on and the burial of our dear leader president Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, it is important that the party returns to normalcy. This can only be done if the party goes back to its constitution,” she was quoted by the Herald as saying.

“It is clear from reading of clause that among other office bearers, the deputy presidents are members of the Standing Committee. However, they have to be elected by congress.

 “Clause 9.2 makes provision for the duties of the deputy president. It does not make provisions for the duties of the additional deputy presidents.

“The deputy president in clause 9.2 can only be the deputy president elected by congress. Clause 9.21.1 provides that in the event of the death of the president, the deputy president assumes the role of the acting president pending the holding of the extraordinary congress within a year.

“The deputy president is the deputy president provided for in clause 9.2 that is to say the one elected by congress.

“There is therefore no role of the national council to elect an acting president because this is already provided for in the constitution. To that end I am the acting president of the MDC-T as provided for in both clauses 9.2 and clause 9.21.1 of the constitution.

 “Therefore as acting president I make the following orders: (a) that an extraordinary congress to elect a substantive president of the party should be held within a month.”

Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri were appointed by Tsvangirai and Chamisa was appointed to act for a year by the national council a few hours after Tsvangirai’s death last week.



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