Chamisa thanks Zimbabweans, insists he won but warned no blood must be lost for political gain

Chamisa thanks Zimbabweans, insists he won but warned no blood must be lost for political gain

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa still insists he won the popular vote and some of his supporters including former Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi have urged him to take to the streets  but one urged him to show maturity and warned that no blood must be lost for political gain or loss.

Zimbabwe presidential elections results have not yet been announced.

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chair Priscilla Chigumba said the results were almost ready but they were waiting for some of the elections agents of the 23 candidates to verify the result forms.

With results for three Harare constituencies still outstanding, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front had already won more than a two-thirds majority making it an uphill struggle for Chamisa to win the presidential vote.

Even if he wins, he will not be able to govern as ZANU-PF legislators can use their majority to paralyse his operations and might even impeach him.

Critics argue that Chamisa’s campaign was too centred on him and the presidential vote.

“THANK YOU ZIMBABWE …I’m humbled by the support you have given to me as a Presidential Candidate. We have won the popular vote. You voted for total Change in this past election! We have won this one together. No amount of results manipulation will alter your WILL #Godisinit,” Chamisa tweeted shortly after the latest round of results.

Edmund Kudzayi, who has been campaigning for Chamisa and is said to be close to Jonathan Moyo tweeted: “Matononoka. Tirikuda kupinda muroad. The mother of all demos.”

Another follower only identified as William, responded: “Kusiri kufa ndekupi, maybe we can creat a new generation of war vets because the previous one is getting extinct. Let them bring water cannons, we will carry with us soap ne Vaseline .#Tinonogezaikoko anyway hatina clean water mudzimba.”

Augustine Maungwe, tweeted back: “with ol due respect kind Sir u r showing immaturity. this is d point u r supposed to ask pple 2 remain peaceful whilst u present yo evidence if any n take d necessary procedure as provided 4 by d constitution wc u knw so well. NO ZIMBABWEAN BLOOD MUST LOST 4 POLITICAL GAIN O LOSS.”

Peaches  answered back: “Clearly you don’t understand the kind of system being dealt with here”, to which Maungwe replied: “clearly you dont understand the value of blood and life in its simplest terms”

“Doesn’t the end justify the means in this case,” responded Peaches.

“NOTHING will ever justify the blood of a human being NOTHING. A life lost is NEVER gained back,” Maungwe responded.

Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu has warned perpetrators of violence that they will face the wrath of the law.




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