Chamisa spokesman told to focus on party congress, not Mnangagwa

Chamisa spokesman told to focus on party congress, not Mnangagwa

Movement for Democratic Change presidential spokesman Nkululeko Sibanda has been told to focus on the party’s forthcoming congress and not to drag the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa into the playing field as if this is a national election.

Sibanda had tweeted: “Mnangagwa is investing $6 mil trying to avoid standing against Pres Chamisa in any election. All should fear a run against Pres Chamisa @nelsonchamisa, he is:

“1) still within term limits

“2) the party’s engine of growth and power

“3) the only one who can beat a rigging ZANU PF”.

The MDC is holding its elective party congress in May and claims that ZANU-PF is sponsoring candidates to oust Chamisa.

Mnangagwa beat MDC leader Nelson Chamisa in last year’s elections but Chamisa has refused to concede defeat insisting that he won the elections though he lost the case in the country’s highest court.

One of the first respondents to Sibanda’s tweet, Chombo ChaNoah, said: “Chamisa Chete Chete. Handisi mumastructure asiku Congress ndirikuenda kunovhota.”

This could have been a prank to spite ZANU-PF youth leader Lewis Matutu who said MDC secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora is likely to beat Chamisa for president at the congress because most of Chamisa’s supporters are hooligans who are not in the party structures and will therefore not be eligible to vote.

Nobleman Runyanga said this was not a national election. Chamisa should instead be very afraid of people like Elias Mudzuri and Mwonzora.

“This is not a national election. @nelsonchamisa should be very very afraid of internal competitors  such as @EngMudzuri @DMwonzora & others  not @edmnangagwa who went thru his party’s Congress in 2017 . He has an economy to turn around, 14m lives to improve & no time for losers,” he said.

One going by the name The Blackprint Media asked why people should fear. “You are intimidating people into submission without contesting and building a chamisa dictatorship empire within MDC.. This 6 mil figure hallucination.”

Síbvë Mudare said: “Effectively @nelsonchamisa lacks strategy and thinks screaming is all that is needed in politics. NC exposed himself when he did not come for dialogue. The majority in @mdczimbabwe or @MDCAllianceZW now support @DMwonzora for leadership renewal to revive the opposition.”

Tatenda added: “The moment you start thinking and saying that it can only be @nelsonchamisa they you have already lost it. Killing the democracy in the party. If he is not worried of other contestants then just go to Congress quietly.”

Mai mishy said: “Matanga hamudi opponent kaa ED apinda papi apo musiyei.”

Kklaramukaro asked Sibanda to remove condition number 3 arguing: “He was rigged resoundingly unless you are now saying he was defeated fairly?” to which Sibanda replied: “What I am saying is that they will not be able to ever do it again.”

Cainos Muchacha said: “This last election President Mnangagwa defeated Chamisa so for you to say he avoiding standing against Nero is nonsense. Deal with your own congress squabbles where Nero is afraid of being toppled ny Mwonzora. Leave ED out it please.”


1 Comment

  1. mahlabayithwale

    You are propagandists guys ..pple who specialists in dividing pple by spreading falsehoods …this is politics of the jungle you r using …unfortunately lies tend to be very clear…jst by looking at the article n some comments you cn see exactly see through …we have seen these tacktics since time immemorial imcluding RF times ….

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