Chamisa says Zimbabwe is open for craziness and not business

Chamisa says Zimbabwe is open for craziness and not business

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said Zimbabwe was open for craziness and not for business because President Emmerson Mnangagwa was clueless about resolving the current economic crisis in the country.

He said instead of moving forward the country was moving around. The only way forward was for the country to establish a national transitional authority but this would not be a government of national unity.

The structure of the transitional authority would have to be discussed by the parties concerned.

Chamisa once again insisted that he won the 30 July elections.

Mnangagwa had no answers to the current crisis because he was not elected by the people.

The crisis in Zimbabwe worsened from the beginning of this month when the government announced new monetary and fiscal policies that resulted in the bond note collapsing against the United States dollar.

Prices skyrocketed and the country ran out of fuel.

“Our country has been set on a free fall.  We are in trouble because of this unelected government,” Chamisa said.

He said the country was not experiencing a cash crisis but a crisis of confidence and an absence of leadership.

“The nation is orphaned. The nation is parentless. What has necessitated this is the conduct and behaviour of Mnangagwa and his team who snatched the victory of the people,” Chamisa said.

“Those who say we want to move on are cheating themselves. Instead of moving on we are moving around.”

Chamisa said he was inundated by calls from people asking him to rescue the nation. He said people were phoning him and not Mnangagwa because they were expecting answers from the person they voted for.

“Government is at war with the people and they are being punished for rejecting the government on 30 July, they did not win the mandate of the people,” the MDC leader said.

To move forward, Chamisa said the country must return to legitimacy and undertake comprehensive reforms.

It must embark on nation and peace building and must abandon the bond note.

There should also be a common approach towards the international community not Mnangagwa going his way and he going another way.

Chamisa said Zimbabwe currently had two classes of people- the looting class which was amassing wealth and the looking class which comprised the majority of people who looked on like innocent bystanders while the country collapsed. There was need for the looking class to become active participants in the economy to pull the country out of its crisis.

He also said there was need for an audit on the country’s $9 billion domestic debt to investigate what the money was used for.



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