Chamisa says Zimbabwe is a big prison- “we’re all in prison”

Chamisa says Zimbabwe is a big prison- “we’re all in prison”

Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa says Zimbabwe is a big prison and we are all in prison.

He was responding to one of his X followers who said he was concerned about Job Sikhala’s continued detention.

Chamisa had posted one of his feel-good tweets which read: “STORMS FORM AND NORM YOU..Storms are not meant to destroy eagles but to confirm them! Attacks and tremors don’t shake giants but form and affirm them. Wait upon The Lord! Isaiah 40:31 Blessed Sabbath. #Godisinit.”

A Sir Muhlwa responded that his main concern was the continued detention of Job Sikhala who has now spent more than 500 days at Chikurubi Prison.

“My main concern is with the Sikhala issue. Its been 500 days in prison and they postpone the case as they wish to make him stay in prison. Is there nothing else we can do as Citizens to force the judiciary to deliver the much needed justice for him. Its been too long Mr President.”

Chamisa said he was very concerned too.

“Very concerned about Job, Jacob and all others in prison on account of politics. We leave no stone unturned in action and prayer to get all prisoners released without delay. An injury to one is an injury to all. Zimbabwe is just such a big prison for all the citizens. We’re all in prison. We need freedom!” he said.

He, however, did not respond to questions about what the party was going to do to get Sikhala released.

One follower said if it had been the other way round, that Chamisa was the one in prison, Sikhala would have made sure that Chamisa was released in a matter of weeks but a Ndawana said Chamisa was not taking any action because he was a ZANU-PF project.

“Nelson will never answer that question. Nelson is masquerading as an opposition but he is a zanu project.  Job was going to give zanu a torrid time.  All what is left at CCC is spineless men if they are not women. Women are even better. Nelson should step aside & let others lead.”

Another going by Alpha T said: “Chamisa wakakwana here prayer pakadai munhu achifira mujeri.”



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