Chamisa says “we won but they declared the opposite”

Chamisa says “we won but they declared the opposite”

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa today once again said he won the 30 July elections by the electoral authorities declared the opposite.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission early on Friday declared Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front as the winner with 50.8 percent of the vote while Chamisa had 44.3 percent with the remainder going to the 21 other presidential candidates.

In a message to his followers today, Chamisa, who has rejected the results, said: “I’m aware of your anxieties, concerns and worries. Your hopes & aspirations I so dearly carry.

“We won but they declared the opposite. You voted but they cheated. Over 2.5 ml votes can’t be ignored. We’re doing all to secure your vote & defend your WILL. Change is coming!#Godisinit”

Some of his twitter followers, however, said he must accept defeat and show maturity.

Austin Gege, who said he was South African responded: “This is immaturity, please learn from this and grow bigger.”

He was, however, told to shut up.

One going by the name Consent said: “In this case you have the right to remain silent. We’ll never forget what Mbeki n Zuma did to us. Now Ceryl is doing exactly the same. For continue suffering so that we flock into S.A for cheap labour. We face xenophobic attacks everyday in your country but wish us to be silent.”

Another tweeted: “You must accept defeat. If you had won, you would have been declared a winner chief. Stop misleading your own people!!”

Sixth Element added: “U been saying the same thing for days now . Do u hev a real plan other than motivational speech.”

The Zimbabwe Election Support Network said its Sample-Based Observation estimates almost tallied with those of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and showed that at most Chamisa would have polled 47.8 percent of the vote which would still have been lower than Mnangagwa’s worst case scenario of at worst 48.7 percent which would have necessitated a runoff as a candidate has to win at least 50 percent plus one vote.



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