Chamisa says “we neither give up nor give in”

Chamisa says “we neither give up nor give in”

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa, who yesterday insisted that he won the 30 July elections and called on Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front to concede defeat so that the country could move forward, today said he is neither giving up nor giving in.

The Constitutional Court which is hearing his election challenge is sitting in less than 24 hours but Chamisa who was accused by ZANU-PF’s Patrick Chinamasa of intimidating the judiciary today tweeted:

“WE NEITHER GIVE UP NOR GIVE IN..The past 38 years signified missed opportunities and neglected advantages. Zimbabwe must now move on not move around. Taught by the errors of the past, we stand ready to challenge all lies, contesting all deceptions until final victory.#Godisinit.”

The Constitutional Court has to make its decision by Friday though there are indications that it might even throw out the case on technical grounds.

This is not likely to go well with Chamisa’s supporters as this will be viewed as ignoring the “overwhelming” evidence that Mnangagwa lost the election that Chamisa claims to have.

The Constitutional Court decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Chamisa said yesterday if he lost the case he would use the political route. He did not explain what that route is but there are whispers that if Chamisa loses the case, he might find himself nowhere as his Alliance partners, like Tendai Biti, who benefitted tremendously from the Alliance, might ditch him.

Some observers have queried why Alliance spokesman and one of the key Alliance partners Welshman Ncube has been so silent about the whole election outcome and challenge.

While Chamisa’s supporters say they are preparing to celebrate his victory, Chamisa’s behaviour over the past four days seems to indicate that he is panicking and is trying to prime his supporters for the bad news.




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