Chamisa says Tsvangirai’s send-off showed that nothing can stop Zimbabweans from working together

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today thanked the government and Speaker of Parliament for the role they played after the death of MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai saying this had amply demonstrated that there is nothing that can stop Zimbabweans from working together as a team.

He said as the leader of the opposition he hoped that there would be a new dispensation which would allow people to work together and unite the nation.

“We might differ in terms of views and perspectives, but the country is the same.  Where we are heading, we should not think that this person does not deserve this anymore.  We want our country to develop and not look at the issue of party; we should not be partisan in rebuilding our nation,” he said.

Full statement:

*HON. ADV. CHAMISA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  The words that I stood up to say are in connection with the rights that are provided for in the Standing Orders.  I stood up to give strong words to you Mr. Speaker and also extend those words to the President of the nation.  I say these words concerning what befell us as a nation a few weeks ago after losing our former Prime Minister, Mr. Tsvangirai who was also the leader of the MDC-T.

Mr. Speaker, this was an event that befell us whilst we were unawares.  So I stood up to say that as a party that is in this august House and well known in this august House which is the Movement for Democratic Change that I lead.  – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

Mr. Speaker I wish to say these words expressing my gratitude especially to Parliament which is headed by you and also all the other parliamentarians.  We saw us coming together to unite and go through the bereavement of Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai. There was no partisanship in this event and you also said a lot Mr. Speaker when you attended the funeral.  We know there are two parties MDC-T and ZANU PF in Parliament.  We are two parties that are well known to be part of Government.  We also want to thank His Excellency the President for the words that he gave.

It is important that we emulate this in Parliament because we are in Parliament.  His Excellency the President came, the Hon. Vice President came and also Hon. S. K. Moyo even when the body of the late arrived, we realised that there is nothing that stops us from working as a team in Zimbabwe.  I am sure this will be extended throughout the elections and we received a lot of assistance from the Government.  On behalf of the Movement for Democratic Change, I want to thank you.  We hope that such events can unite the people. 

As a leader who was given this position, I also hope that we will have a new dispensation that where we are heading, the way we are going to proceed should be to unite our nation.  We might differ in terms of views and perspectives, but the country is the same.  Where we are heading, we should not think that this person does not deserve this anymore.  We want our country to develop and not look at the issue of party; we should not be partisan in rebuilding our nation.  I thank you.



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