Chamisa says POLAD is a side-show, main show is dialogue with MDC

Chamisa says POLAD is a side-show, main show is dialogue with MDC

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said the current talks under the Political Actors Dialogue is a side show. The main show is a dialogue with his party, the MDC, with the smaller parties joining in.

In what he called his Hope of the Nation Address which was initially scheduled for Africa Unity Square, next to Parliament Building, but was moved to the party headquarters at Morgan Tsvangirai House, Chamisa said he was not calling for a government of national unity but for a transitional authority.

The ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has rejected any calls for a transitional authority arguing that President Emmerson Mnangagwa was given his five-year mandate at last year’s elections.

Chamisa and his party have rejected last year’s presidential election result insisting that he won the elections although he lost the case at the Constitutional Court.

Watch Chamisa’s HONA:



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