Chamisa says Mnangagwa is careless and reckless because he is now leader of the opposition

Chamisa says Mnangagwa is careless and reckless because he is now leader of the opposition

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa today continued to send mixed signals about his participation in the next elections putting more demands for electoral reform but accused his main rival Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front of being careless and reckless because he does not care for the country because he is now leader of the opposition.

Chamisa said he is not going to participate in farce but at the same time insisted that he is not boycotting the elections because “we are the elections”. He was, however, at pains to explain what his organisation is going to do saying his party had strategies but these would cease to be strategies once they are disclosed to his main rivals.

“We don’t want to go into a fiction or a movie, a predetermined movie disguised as an election. It’s a betrayal of those who have died for one man one vote… so we will not be stampeded into an election which is not an election. We will not be frog-marched into some kind of farce,’ he said at a press conference today.

“We want a proper election…. We will not be hurried into anything. They may think that they can rush into having 30 July…. 30 July is just an event, a day. This process is about the people of Zimbabwe, the young people of Zimbabwe who want to have an election that will produce a legitimate outcome, an acceptable outcome, a credible outcome.”

Asked what would happen if the reforms that his Alliance is demanding are not met, Chamisa said his organisation would then “unleash our instruments of peace.”

Asked whether this would involve violence, Chamisa said they would not engaged in any violence because they were a peace loving organisation.

“Why would you want to destroy the country that we are supposed to be leading?  We are the next government. In two weeks’ time we will be the next government. That I can assure you. We are the next government so we have more responsibility than Mr Mnangagwa,” he said.

“That’s why Mr Mnangagwa is so reckless. Because he is the leader of the opposition he doesn’t care about this country. We care about this country because we are the incoming government. He is so careless and reckless because he is the outgoing government. That’s the difference so we know the burden of caution is higher on our shoulders than on that other side because they are on the leeward side.”



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