Chamisa says MDC-T name case cannot be heard by a ZANU-PF judge

Chamisa says MDC-T name case cannot be heard by a ZANU-PF judge

The case in which two factions of the Movement for Democratic Change formerly led by Morgan Tsvangirai are fighting over the use of the name MDC-T and its logo failed to take off yesterday after the Nelson Chamisa faction claimed that the judge, Martin Makonese, was a Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front supporter.

The case was referred to the Judge President George Chiweshe for re-allocation.

“We had come for the commencement of the trial today but before it kicked off we were advised by our lawyers and lead counsel Professor Lovemore Madhuku that the applicants, who are being represented by Advocate Thabani Mpofu, made serious allegations against Justice Martin Makonese, saying he is a ZANU-PF judge. They alleged that he has ZANU-PF links and that at one time he ran for a political office under the ZANU-PF ticket,” the deputy president of the other faction Obert Gutu told the Chronicle.

Gutu said on his twitter handle, this was pathetic.

“It’s them who took us to the High Court in the first place. They lost, dismally.  Now they’re complaining that the courts are packed with ZANU-PF judges.  We have outwitted and outmanouvred them at every turn.  Bring it on! We will outclass you…. AGAIN!!”

The case is now merely academic as the factions have already registered for the elections next month with Thokozani Khupe contesting under the MDC-T name while Chamisa will contest under MDC Alliance.



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