Chamisa says God cannot be rigged

Chamisa says God cannot be rigged

In what appears to be his reaction to news that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front legal team this morning filed its opposing papers to the petition challenging the election results of 30 July, Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa today said God cannot be cheated or rigged.

Chamisa’s lawyers filed an application with the Constitutional Court on Friday rejecting the results of the poll and asking the court to declare Chamisa the winner or call for fresh elections.

One of the lead lawyers in President-Elect Emmerson Mnangagwa’s legal team, Lewis Uriri, said : “The MDC-Alliance are stuntmen who have presented no shred of evidence in a bid to retain the few remaining supporters that still believe in them. In fact there is no valid application before the court. Regardless, we addressed the merits of their defective process.”

In his only tweet today, posted this evening, Chamisa said: “Oh, I love Our Creator who can’t be cheated! Our God can not be rigged !!! ‘…..Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful’ 2Chronicles 20:20.”

One of his followers from Kenya, Beavon Magare, responded: “Amen. Love and prayers from Kenyan youths” to which Chamisa replied: “Thank you Beavon..The New Africa is on the horizon!!”

Tsakane Chauke said: “We pray for you the chosen leader…take us to canaan.”

But a follower going by the name IamZimbabwe told Chamisa: “The fact that U love God is heartwarming , did U know that God in Romans 13 mentions that HE is the one who Appoints and Denounce leaders?  If he wants U to be the Leader of #Zimbabwe  your time wil come jus not now.  For the sake of progress pls @nelsonchamisa be the SMART one.”

Taps Chambers responded: “You are saying just not now, are you God?”

IamZimbabwe answered: “If it was now @nelsonchamisa would be the #PresidentZW . Not running after the elected.”

He was backed by Tsileyoyo who said: “Exactly. He wouldn’t be going through all the courts, it would hv been smooth and swift.”

The Constitutional Court is expected to give a ruling within 14 days after which the person declared the winner of the polls must be sworn in in 48 hours.



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