Chamisa says fuel shortage is due to leadership kwashiorkor

Chamisa says fuel shortage is due to leadership kwashiorkor

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa who is reported to have spent four hours queuing for fuel yesterday says the current fuel shortage is a shortage of leadership.

Chamisa who said on his twitter handle that he was assessing the fuel situation at service stations in Harare said the situation was so bad that it must be stopped.

“Shortage of fuel is a shortage of leadership….As Zimbabweans we waste most of our time dealing with disastrous consequences of a leadership kwashiorkor !,” he said.

Zimbabwe has been experiencing fuel shortages since the beginning of this month when the government announced new monetary and fiscal policies that sent the market haywire.

Energy ministers have promised the nation that they are on top of the situation but this is not showing on the ground.

People have lost confidence in the authorities and are stocking up.

Some service stations have started charging in foreign currency but there are long queues at some of these service stations showing that people have the money.

According to the Daily News on Sunday Chamisa was mobbed by those in the fuel queue who then asked him to do something.

A Daily News reader who seemed not amused responded: “Do something! Something like what. You think he has a solution. The dude can’t even fundraise to pay hooligans masquarading as workers at Harvest House and you expect him to fix the economy. Zimbabweans pretend to be educated yet the exude stupidity at each and every turn. No easy walk to economic prosperity. As usual he has ‘no secret weapon’ as you rightly saw last time in the court case.”

Another reader responded: “I don’t know why you hate him that much even he didn’t open his mouth you still attack him why not attack those people who seem to be praising him especially wham he did not say anything I wonder what he has done to you when ever they mentioned his name you attack him something might be lacking on you.”


Ed: See also:  Zimbabwe’s problem is not Mnangagwa or the shortage of foreign currency- it’s our mindset



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