Chamisa pledges his sister to Ngwena if Mnangagwa wins 5 percent of the vote

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has sparked heated debate, not just about the elections but about the way he views women, when he pledged his sister to Emmerson Mnangagwa if the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader wins 5 percent of the vote in the coming elections.

While this might just have been a way of showing how confident he was of winning the elections, critics said Chamisa’s remarks showed the low esteem he has for women.

Addressing a rally in the United Kingdom Chamisa said he had an 18-year old sister whom he would give to Mnangagwa if he wins 5 percent of the vote as she is looking for a husband.

“Ngwena tikaita election iri fair and free, akawana five percent ndinondomupa kana sisi vangu,” Chamisa said.

Mnangagwa is 75 and is married.

The remarks are like to cause a stir in the women’s lobby especially after his fallout with Thokozani Khupe who was the elected vice-president of the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai and should have rightfully taken over after Tsvangirai’s death while a new leader was being sought but Chamisa railroaded himself to the helm hours after Tsvangirai’s death.

Eyes will also be focused on whether his party will fulfill its promise to have women constituting 50 percent of the candidates in the coming elections.

Hear Chamisa make the pledge






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