Chamisa off to UK

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa is off to the United Kingdom this weekend where he is expected to address the Oxford Union and Chatham House, among others, next week.

Chamisa is expected to address the Oxford Union on Monday, 7 May, and Chatham House the following day.

His spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka said Chamisa, who is poised to win the coming elections, will use the opportunity to tell Zimbabweans of the better prospects that his incoming government will bring to the country.

“There has been unprecedented excitement around the youthful but experienced MDC Alliance presidential candidate who has addressed mammoth crowds in the country’s rural and urban areas,” Tamborinyoka said.

“He has charmed the country and the world with most of them keen to hear him speak on his vision for a country riven by almost four decades of ineptitude and misgovernance.”

Zimbabwe currently has 127 registered political parties but it is not yet clear how many will contest for president.

Most eyes, however, seem to be focused on Chamisa and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa has been described as unelectable and his supporters are threatening to derail the elections because of what happened at the recent primary elections where a number of party “bigwigs” were booted out.

Though he came to power through military intervention, Mnangagwa seems to have won the hearts of the business sector and the international community which only wants free and fair elections whose outcome will be not contested.



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