Chamisa in Botswana

Chamisa in Botswana

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said he was in Botswana as part of his regional engagements as he seeks an “urgent solution to our challenges as Zimbabweans”.

Chamisa did not disclose his destination on his last trip outside Zimbabwe but reports said one of the countries he visited was Ghana.

He tweeted today that Zimbabwe was part of the bigger African family so African counsel and support was fundamental.

Botswana had strong ties with the MDC during the reign of Ian Khama but the goal posts seem to have shifted since the coming into power of Emmerson Mnangagwa in Zimbabwe and Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi who came to power a year ago.

The Southern African Development Community and the African Union both recognise the Mnangagwa administration which Chamisa has refused to recognise.

Chamisa said his visit to Botswana helps him to see the whole picture,

“We are one people and we share the burden of our challenges,” he tweeted. “That is why we engage and share counsel, helping us see the whole picture and our respective place and role in it.”

The MDC is going to congress in May to elect a new leadership. Chamisa is widely expected to elected leader but there is wide speculation that the party could split as the party is flouting its own constitution to accommodate people who would otherwise not qualify for election.

Chamisa recently told the South African Broadcasting Corporation that the party would not split but some disgruntled people might opt to leave.



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