Chamisa has until Monday to challenge Mnangagwa victory

Chamisa has until Monday to challenge Mnangagwa victory

Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa has until Monday, 4 September, to challenge President Emmerson Mnangagwa presidential election victory announced on 26 September last week.

Mnangagwa polled 52.6% of the vote against Chamisa’s 44% according to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

Chamisa had seven days to file an application with the Constitutional Court challenging the result. This means he had until today to do so but the law says if the last day to file the application falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, this is extended to the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.

Chamisa has not indicated yet whether he is filing any challenge but it is widely believed that he will not take that root as it will effectively kill his case because any decision by the Constitutional Court would be final and legally binding.

The CCC leader has so far failed to prove that he has the necessary V11s to prove he was cheated out of his victory. His party and backers are soliciting for V11s from whoever has them.

Instead, Chamisa is said to be deploying a team of Jameson Timba and Gladys Hlatshwayo, to Southern African Development Community leaders toi persuade them that he won the elections and they should therefore support a re-run of the elections.

Reports say SADC has no such jurisdiction.

South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia and Botswana have already congratulated Mnangagwa on his victory.

According to a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mnangagwa is going to be inaugurated on Monday.



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