Chamisa gives Khupe three more days

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa has given vice-president Thokozani Khupe three more days to repent or face expulsion from the party.

Khupe has refused to budge and insists that she is the rightful leader of the party until congress elects a new leader.

Chamisa was elected by the party’s national council but Khupe says the council does not have the power to do that.

She was initially given a seven-day ultimatum which elapsed on Friday.

Chamisa, who is currently touring Matebeleland and has been attracting huge crowds which seem to be an endorsement of his leadership told the Daily News on Sunday: “She is being given the last chance and we are in Matebeleland for three days and we will use these three days to persuade her. If she fails then she will have expelled herself.”

Chamisa has addressed huge rallies in Victoria Falls, Dete and Plumtree attracting huge crowds that must be sending shockwaves in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Union camp.

Khupe is now being viewed by MDC supporters as a spoiler but she has the backing of those who want constitutionalism, while those who want populism are solidly behind Chamisa as he could easily pip ZANU-PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa if the current wave remains unchanged.




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