Chamisa dismisses Mnangagwa’s cabinet says an illegitimate President cannot appoint a legitimate cabinet

Chamisa dismisses Mnangagwa’s cabinet says an illegitimate President cannot appoint a legitimate cabinet

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has dismissed the new cabinet announced by President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday saying an illegitimate President cannot appoint a legitimate cabinet.

Chamisa who was beaten by Mnangagwa in the 30 July elections, but insists that he won the elections but was robbed by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, today told his 361 000 twitter followers: “An ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT can’t possibly appoint a legitimate cabinet. Two fresh apples can not redeem a rotten basket! The REAL DEAL is COMING !!!!”

There was wide speculation that Mnangagwa would rope in Chamisa into his government with some reports saying he was delaying the appointment of the cabinet because of the talks with Chamisa.

His colleague Tendai Biti even vouched that Chamisa held the keys to the economy.

Mnangagwa, however, shocked his critics yesterday when he announced a cabinet that did not have anyone from the MDC Alliance but included new faces that are not members of his Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.  These included Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube and Youth Minister Kirsty Coventry.

Mnangagwa said there were no talks with Chamisa at all. These were in the media. He said as he had promised he had appointed “a diverse, dynamic, youthful and streamlined cabinet with the skills and experience required to achieve our goals”.

“Now it is time to get to work!” he added.

Chamisa’s main rival in the opposition camp, Obert Gutu, welcome the new cabinet saying: “I’m hugely impressed with the new Cabinet of Zimbabwe that was announced this afternoon. Let’s roll up our sleeves and work to make our wonderful country great again!”

He added: “Those wishing an economic implosion to happen in Zimbabwe will be terribly disappointed. Zimbabwe is going to prosper and the economy will very soon rebound and reboot.”

When asked by one of his followers when the real deal is coming, and whether this would be in 2023, when the country is expected to hold its next elections, Chamisa responded: “The people voted this 2018. They cheated. For the sake of our country we must reverse the cheating, electoral corruption and that national deception!!”

Continued next page


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  1. Frederick Muparutsa

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