Chamisa condemns violence against MDC-T leaders- orders investigation and report in 24 hours

Movement for Democratic Change acting president Nelson Chamisa has finally condemned the violence that is threatening to tear the party apart with news that party spokesman Obert Gutu has quit.

In a statement presidential spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka said Chamisa had ordered an investigation into the needless violence and harassment of party leaders and wants the report within 24 hours.

Party vice-president Thokozani Khupe, secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora and organizing secretary Abednigo Bhebhe were allegedly assaulted at the burial of party leader Morgan Tsvangirai in Buhera yesterday.

Chamisa said stern action would be taken against the perpetrators if they were found to be members of the party.

He said the violence was completely unacceptable and urged anyone with pictures or videos of the attack to share them and assist the party in identifying the culprits.

Gutu said he was not going to belong to a party that advocates violence and thuggery but added that he was not quitting politics and would contest the Harare East seat.

Full statement:

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Acting President Chamisa bemoans violence against party leaders

The MDC Acting President Hon. Advocate Nelson Chamisa has bemoaned the needless violence and harassment of party leaders and promised that the party would investigate the issue to its logical conclusion.

Vice President Hon Dr Thokozani Khupe, Secretary-General Mr. Douglas Mwonzora and Organizing Secretary Hon. Abednigo Bhebhe were reportedly harassed by unknown individuals at the funeral of the iconic party leader, President Morgan Tsvangirai, in Buhera on Tuesday.

Acting President Chamisa said violence was never the character of the MDC and any party cadre who engages in violence will face the full wrath of the party and the law. He said notwithstanding the circumstances, there was no need for violence against the party leaders.

Acting President has ordered the security and intelligence department of the party to investigate the violence and harassment of the senior members of the party and submit a report to him in the next 24 hours.

He said the party will stand guided by the results of the investigation and that violence has no place whatsoever in the MDC. The party is available to fully co-operate with the police, who were also at the funeral and will ask the concerned leaders to help with all the information they might have which could assist in identifying the perpetrators. 

Acting president Chamisa said stern action would be taken against the perpetrators if they were found to be members of the party. He said the violence was completely unacceptable, adding that anyone who has pictures and videos of the attack should share them and assist the party in identifying the culprits. 

The police must apprehend and charge those responsible for this dastardly act.

The MDC is a party of excellence, a party of non-violence and a party of peace. The party will never accept as comrades those who perpetrate violence in its name.

Luke Tamborinyoka
Presidential Spokesperson and Director of Communications



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