Chamisa challenges Mnangagwa to debate issues on TV

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa has challenged President Emmerson Mnangagwa to a television debate on issues but said Mnangagwa must not come alone as he is incapable of matching him.

“I am saying Mnangagwa, let’s go for a debate on issues.  I do not want Mnangagwa on his own because he is incapable. I want him to be helped by Mohadi and if that fails, maybe Chinotimba can help,” Chamisa was quoted by Newsday as saying.

Chamisa was addressing potential party candidates for the coming elections.

The MDC-T says half of its candidates will be women and 20 percent youths.

“We are different from ZANU-PF, which persecutes young people, but in MDC, we elevate young people.

“In ZANU-PF, they do a generational genocide like what they did to G40, but in MDC, we have a succession of generations. We are not a one generational movement,” he said.



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