Chamisa case now more about run-off than outright win

Chamisa case now more about run-off than outright win

After repeatedly telling the nation and his supporters that he won the elections and his main rival Emmerson Mnangagwa should concede defeat so that the country can move forward, Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa now seems to be gunning for a run-off than to be declared the winner.

He even tweeted this morning: “YOU WIN, WE WIN & ZIMBABWE WINS…The ‘A’ legal team minus the SA team who are at court to secure their permits..The team is ready to defend your vote & victory to reveal God’s Glory!!#Godisinit.”

The case kicked off on schedule this morning with lawyers for three presidential candidates who were cited as respondents but filed papers supporting Chamisa being asked to give evidence on why they should be heard. The court later threw out their evidence.

Chamisa’s lead lawyer Thabani Mpofu trashed the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission for fabricating the results and said according to his own calculations some 69 000 votes could not be accounted for when Mnangagwa had won only 31 000 votes about the threshold.

He was, however, at pains to explain why he was relying on secondary rather than primary evidence.

It is not clear who will preside over the run-off, should the court grant Chamisa this order, since his lawyers have discredited the ZEC which is charged with running elections in this country.

The hearing is likely to be concluded today with judgment likely to be delivered tomorrow as Chamisa’s lawyers have concluded their evidence and await responses from Mnangagwa’s and ZEC’s lawyers.

The court’s decision is final but Chamisa has said that if he fails in the legal battle he will take the political route.

Most of Chamisa’s followers on twitter are against a run-off because of what the country witnessed in 2008 when nearly 200 people were killed during the run-up to the run-off.

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai pulled out at the last minute because of the violence.




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