Chamisa calls for real unity but told unite with Mwonzora first

Chamisa calls for real unity but told unite with Mwonzora first

Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa today called for real unity, tweeting: “WE THE CITIZENS, yearn for real unity based on equality, tolerance, justice & freedom.This was the vision of our founding leaders,such Dr Joshua Nkomo,who made sacrifices to bring us together. Today on Unity Day, we recommit ourselves to building a new, great, united Zimbabwe”

Zimbabwe is celebrating Unity Day today to mark the unity accord signed by the leaders of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and the Zimbabwe African People’s Union, Prime Minister Robert Mugabe at the time and ZAPU leader Joshua Nkomo in December 1987 ending six years of civil strife in the country.

Chamisa went on: “MAKING ZIMBABWE A WINNING NATION..We will unite all Zimbabweans across politics,race & tribe.Unity wins peace & prosperity for nations.Unity thrives nations.There can never be true unity without true dialogue & love.We need each other.Unity is good for us all & for a thriving economy.

“Unity doesn’t manipulate or rig elections.Unity doesn’t imprison or persecute political competitors.Unity is not unjust or unequal.Unity is neither violent nor terrorist.Unity is not violence or vengeance.Unity is not hateful or vindictive.Unity is love and forgiveness #FreeWiwa.”

Replying to Chamisa, a General Bvanyangu said: “Start by uniting with Mwonzora! Charity begins at home.”

MZANSIKANDABA added: “To be honest the issue of Thokozani Khupe was a reflection of the MDC then cut from the same cloth. The difference is that we had ZANU and MDC. To be honest the CCC President is not the one to blame ZANU PF. If l was him as an advice this subject does not give Him ground either.”

Frank Sande, differed, saying: “These guys are not prepared to be unified with anyone they have so many cases that make them candidates of Chikurubi Maximum Prison. Unless we as Zimbabweans are willing to forgive and move on. But how do you forgive a case like Moreblessing Ali’s? We need new strategies.”

ALLAN CHIPOYI, replied: “Let’s preach unity, walk unity, teach unity, stay in Unity. In the New Great Zimbabwe we will have people who walk the talk on Unity not Pretenders. Good morning Your Excellency.”

See full text of the 1987 unity accord below:
Continued next page


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