Chamisa barred from Mutukudzi concert at National Sports Stadium

Chamisa barred from Mutukudzi concert at National Sports Stadium

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa was today barred from attending the concert in honour of singer Oliver Mutukudzi at the National Sports Stadium which was held before his body was ferried to his rural home in Madziwa.

There was no explanation but MDC secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora attended the concert, tweeted: “Bidding farewell to the deserving national hero and great music icon Dr Oliver Mtukudzi at the National Sports Stadium. Fare thee well great son of the soil!”

An hour later Mwonzora tweeted: “The decision by state agents to bar @nelsonchamisa from entering the National Sports Stadium is cowardly and totally unacceptable. Although Hon Zwizwai and myself tried to remonstrate with the government ministers present it was to no avail.”

Chamisa and National People’s Party leader attended Mutukudzi’s funeral at his Norton home and were even aired on the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation television.

The Ministry of Information did not comment on the incident but said this evening: “Dr Mtukudzi’s funeral is family led. Govt is there to provide resources and other support. Everyone is welcome to the funeral. Normal security protocols have to be observed for the protection of the mourners. Govt asks everyone to cooperate with security for everyone’s safety.”

Mutukudzi’s burial will be at 2pm tomorrow.





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