Chamisa accused of being a hypocrite

Chamisa accused of being a hypocrite

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has been accused of being a hypocrite when he told his followers yesterday that he was inspired by the beautiful example of democracy when four former United States presidents paid tribute to Republican senator John McCain who died on 25 August.

The four former presidents were Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter all democrats, and republican George Bush.

Chamisa tweeted: “Following John McCain’s Memorial on @CNN; a moving eulogy by @MeghanMcCain. I’m inspired by this beautiful example of democracy: three leaders, Democrats and Republicans, who led and left peacefully — @BillClinton, George Bush and @BarackObama in attendance, plus Jimmy Carter.”

Tinomudaishe Chinyoka responded: “Hypocrite: you boycotted Heroes and ED’s inauguration! You are so insufferable in your inconsistency young man. Grow up a little, see you in 2023.”

Chinyoka received a backlash from Chamisa’s supporters who asked why President Emmerson Mnangagwa needed Chamisa’s endorsement.

Chamisa was beaten by Mnangagwa in the 30 July elections but he insists he won the election with 2.6 million votes but this was rigged in favour of Mnangagwa.

According to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Mnangagwa polled 2.4 million votes against Chamisa’s 2.1million.

Chamisa rejected this result, went to court, lost the case, but he insists he won the elections and is the country’s legitimate president.

Another follower going by the name TrueZimPatriot also questioned Chamisa saying: “But you Mr President do not attend national events. What example are you sending across.”

Chamisa responded: “I attend all national events except party gatherings such as that one partisan and irregular inauguration.”

Asked to put his house in order first and make peace with his secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora, Chamisa said there was no rift between the two.

“Worry not! The party is bigger than any individual. There is no problem with our SG except one imagined by the party’s cynics and naysayers.The party is solid and unshakable.”

There have been reports of a rift between Chamisa and Mwonzora and a statement purportedly issued by MDC chief of staff Sesel Zvidai circulated on the social media on Friday saying Chamisa had suspended Mwonzora.

Zvidzai said the statement was fake and this was later confirmed by the party.



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