CCC lying ain’t funny anymore

CCC lying ain’t funny anymore

The lying by the Citizens Coalition for Change isn’t funny anymore. The party must be serious if it is a government in waiting, a follower of the party’s X handle said today.

This was after the party posted a 6-point thread calling on the Southern African Development Community to take decisive action on Zimbabwe and facilitate a process of dialogue.

The thread read:

  1. The Citizens Coalition for Change acknowledges the Extraordinary Summit of the SADC Heads of State and Government, held in Luanda, Angola on November 4, 2023.
  2. The summit addressed critical regional peace and security concerns in countries such as the DRC, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, and Lesotho.
  3. Despite the Harare regime’s propaganda, sustained intimidation, attacks on regional actors, and efforts to avoid discussing Zimbabwe, the SADC Heads of State and Government approved the SADC Election Observation Mission (SEOM) report on Zimbabwe’s recent elections. The report accurately documented the numerous irregularities that occurred before, during, and after the August elections, which did not meet domestic (Electoral Law and Constitution) and regional (SADC Principles and Guidelines) standards for democratic elections.
  4. We urge SADC to address the genuine risk posed by the flawed August elections to regional stability. The crisis cannot be ignored as it affects neighboring countries’ social services and creates conditions for widespread insecurity.
  5. Decisive regional action is urgently needed. We call upon SADC to follow through with the SEOM report and facilitate a dialogue process in which Zimbabwe can regain legitimacy, based on the free will of its people.
  6. We maintain our position that the August elections were marred by irregularities and did not produce a legitimate outcome. Only a free, fair, and credible election can break the cycle of disputed elections in Zimbabwe.

Responding to the thread @SavannahSamas said: “You continue to lie. This ain’t funny anymore! For a gvt in waiting please be serious.”

@mdctuk said: “This type of messaging and lying is exactly why so many pple are losing faith with this bunch. Kindergarten politics can never upgrade to national politics. You lot need to grow up.”

@WillardMavhunga: “You clearly didn’t understand the communique.”

The communique issued on Saturday only said: “Summit received an update on the elections in the SADC Member States and noted the report of the SADC Election Observation Mission to the Harmonised Elections in the Republic of Zimbabwe held in August 2023, and the General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini in September 2023.”

At the virtual extraordinary summit on Tuesday, SADC chairman Joao Lourenco, who is the President of Angola, said: “Your Excellencies, allow me to congratulate His Excellency, Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Majesty King Mswati (III) for the exemplary elections that were recently conducted in your countries where there was tranquillity and the orderly manner in which they took place constituted a major victory for democracy and contribution to peace and stability amongst everyone in the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Kingdom of Eswatini.  

“Allow me to express our hope that this same spirit will also be seen in the elections that will take place in the Republic of Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Exiled former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo said that the statement by CCC that SADC had approved the SADC Observer mission report was misleading because SADC does not approve but merely notes.

The observer mission report said any solution to the Zimbabwe problem was domestic.


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