Paper sued

The Insider, which is celebrating its first anniversary with this issue, has been slapped with its first lawsuit. The paper is being sued for $15 000 over a story entitled…

Politics and water

Hope that is beginning to build up in the hearts of the people of Bulawayo may once again be dashed as politics seems to be cropping into the city's water…

Cheap holiday on government money

That is what most people in Harare said the acronym, CHOGM, stood for. Other variations included coming on holiday on government money or comrades on holiday on government money. But…

Inside a hospital

- Dr cries as child dies because he can't find right drug- Nurse collapses and there is no equipment to help her John Moyo is only 25 but he is…

Who is McLeod?

Bill McLeod was born in Scotland in 1937. His mother was psychic. He witnessed his materialisation at the age of seven. He was staying in a small cottage with his…

Something nasty at NUST

There should be intense lobbying in the corridors of power as the country's academics vie for the post of vice-chancellor which will be vacated by Prof Walter Kamba at the…

No one should be left to starve

With $65 million reserved for the drought relief programme specifically to assist persons in the drought stricken communal lands and with strict instructions that no funds from this vote should…

$10 million for CHOGM

Zimbabwe has set aside $10.1 million for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held next month. The money is under three separate items with $1 million coming from…